By the end of 2016, we surveyed German wealth managers on ETFs and mutual funds (UCITS). A major part of the conversations focused on challenges the wealth managers are facing on their sales side. Plans to reach clients and potentials over online channels and how Robo Advisory could be part of a solution, were among the topics covered.
We found that wealth managers who invest with ETFs can be separated into two groups that differ by how they select and trade ETFs, among other things. For one group, the substitution of active funds by ETFs seems to have reached a level of saturation while the other group focuses on ETFs nearly exclusively.
The results of the survey, our analysis and interpretation are composed in a study. Articles on the relevant topics and contribution from guest authors on ESG, Smart Beta, Family Offices, ETF trading under Mifid II, and on fund boutiques provide the reader with an overall picture of the wealth management landscape in Germany and trends on the sales and product side.
For ordering a print copy of the study, please contact us.